Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Possibilities Are Endless-Task #6

Using a wiki for our reference desk schedule might be preferable to what we're doing right now, which is sending around a paper schedule. Not being that comfortable with wikis at this point in time, we are experimenting with Google spreadsheets, which allows collaboration and might work.

There is a big poster of me in our library for a Jane Austen exibit I'm doing. It's in a really prominent place and only 4 people have commented on it in the last week, however, everyone is totally absorbed in whatever they are doing on our computers. So, since they don't seem to read signs in the library, we could blog them with library events and "what's new".

I just walked around the library asking customers which magazines they'd like us to order for next year. Using blogs or wikis would enable many more customers to give their input on these kind of things.

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